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Puppet Workshop | Gweithdy Pypedau

Fri, 01 Nov



Workshop on basics of prop-building, puppeteering and performing | Gweithdy ar elfennau sylfaenol o adeiladu props, pypedau a pherfformio

Puppet Workshop | Gweithdy Pypedau
Puppet Workshop | Gweithdy Pypedau

Time & Location

01 Nov 2024, 14:30 – 17:00

Newport, 170 Commercial St, Newport NP20 1JN, UK

About the Event

Join prop builder and chartist graphic novelist 'Polyp' for a fun puppet workshop with his 8ft, fully articulated, torch bearing, giant skeleton rod puppet. Learn some of the basics of prop building, puppeteering and performing, in preparation for the skeleton joining the Saturday march! Suitable for all ages, and for those keen to learn prop building and street theatre performance skills. Spectators welcome- we'll want your audience feedback on our fancy moves... Ymunwch â’r adeiladwr propiau a nofelydd graffeg Siartiaeth 'Polyp' ar gyfer gweithdy pypedau hwyliog gyda’i byped sgerbwd rhoden 8 troedfedd, sydd wedi’i hysgogi’n llawn ac yn cario fflam. Dysgwch elfennau sylfaenol o adeiladu propiau, pypedwaith a pherfformio, wrth baratoi i’r sgerbwd ymuno â’r orymdaith ddydd Sadwrn! Yn addas i bob oed, ac i’r rhai sydd am ddysgu sgiliau adeiladu propiau a pherfformio theatr stryd. Croeso i wylwyr - byddwn eisiau eich adborth fel cynulleidfa ar ein symudiadau ffansi...

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