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сб, 06 лист.



Book Launch - History Grounded/Hanes yn y Tir by Elin Jones

Elin Jones presents her new book at Cwtsh. Hanes yn y Tir/ History Grounded - A must read history of Wales for every school, learner and teacher.

Book Launch - History Grounded/Hanes yn y Tir by Elin Jones
Book Launch - History Grounded/Hanes yn y Tir by Elin Jones

Time & Location

06 лист. 2021 р., 16:30

Newport, Stow Hill, Newport NP20 4HA, UK

About the Event

Doors open at the Cwtsh at 16:30, event will begin at 17:00

In her book Hanes yn y Tir/ History Grounded Elin Jones shows us that evidence for the past is to be seen everywhere in Wales today. She takes us on a visual journey through over 5,000 years of history, and around every part of Wales. A must read history of Wales for every school, learner and teacher. 

Yes, you can find some history in museums and libraries – it is all around us too, in old photographs, in place names, on maps and in the remains of old buildings on a hillside or by the sea. Wherever you are in Wales, this book will help you to know and to recognise the history around you – and it will make you want to look for more.

Who were the first people to live in Wales? Why is Glyndŵr so important to the Welsh? What part did Wales play in the slave trade? How has the sea influenced our history? Come to look for some of the answers! 

Author Biography:

Elin Jones used to teach at Preseli, Rhydfelen and Cwm Rhymni secondary schools before being appointed education officer at the National Museum of Wales. In her work Elin had to be familiar with every period of Welsh history, and had to prepare resources for every age and ability. In 1996 Elin started work in an advisory role with the Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales, with responsibility for regulating history qualifications and developing the curriculum for history as well as its assessment methods, and commissioning history teaching resources. In 2013 Elin chaired the taskforce that was responsible for preparing a report to the Education Minister on the Cwricwlwm Cymreig (the Welsh perspective on curriculum subjects), history and the story of Wales. Elin Jones is a popular guest on Radio Cymru where she discusses stories and characters from Welsh history.

  • ISBN:      9781845278328
  • Elin      Jones
  • Publication:      September 2021
  • Suitable      for age 9-11+ or Key Stage 2/3
  • Format:      Hardback, 223x148 mm, 222 pages
  • Hanes      yn y Tir
  • ISBN:      9781845278311
  • Elin      Jones
  • Cyhoeddi:      Medi 2021
  • Addas      i oed 9-11+ neu Cyfnod Allweddol 2/3
  • Fformat:      Clawr Caled, 224x148 mm, 222 tudalen

Yn y gyfrol hon, mae'r hanesydd Elin Jones yn dangos bod olion gorffennol Cymru o’n cwmpas heddiw. Mae’n mynd â ni ar daith weledol drwy dros 5,000 o flynyddoedd o hanes ac o gwmpas Cymru gyfan. Llyfr hanfodol ar hanes Cymru i bob ysgol, disgybl ac athro. Ar gael yn Saesneg: History Grounded (9781845278328).

Bywgraffiad Awdur:

Bu Elin Jones yn dysgu yn ysgolion uwchradd Preseli, Rhydfelen a Chwm Rhymni cyn cael ei phenodi’n swyddog addysg yn yr Amgueddfa Genedlaethol. Yn y swyddi hyn i gyd roedd disgwyl iddi gynefino â phob cyfnod o hanes Cymru, a chafodd gyfle i gyd-weithio gydag arbenigwyr ac i baratoi adnoddau ar gyfer dysgwyr o bob oedran a gallu. Ym 1996 dechreuodd wneud gwaith ymgynghorol gydag Awdurdod Cymwysterau, Cwricwlwm ac Asesu Cymru, gyda chyfrifoldeb dros reoleiddio’r cymwysterau hanes, datblygu’r cwricwlwm hanes a’r dulliau o’i asesu, a chomisynu adnoddau dysgu hanes hefyd. Bu’n cadeirio’r tasglu oedd yn gyfrifol am baratoi’r adroddiad i’r Gweinidog Addysg ar Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig, hanes a stori Cymru yn 2013. Mae’n westai poblogaidd wrth drafod straeon a chymeriadau o hanes Cymru ar raglenni Radio Cymru.

Gwybodaeth Bellach:

Oes, mae darnau o hanes mewn amgueddfeydd a llyfrgelloedd – ond maen nhw yma hefyd, mewn hen luniau, enwau lleoedd, ar fapiau ac mewn olion hen adeiladau ar lechwedd mynydd neu ar lan y môr. Bydd y llyfr hwn yn eich helpu i wybod ac i ddeall yr hanes, lle bynnag ydych chi yng Nghymru. Bydd yn sbardun ichi chwilio am ragor o ddarnau o’n gorffennol.

Pwy oedd y bobl gyntaf oll i fyw yng Nghymru? Pam fod Glyndŵr mor bwysig i’r Cymry? Beth oedd rhan Cymru yn y fasnach gaethweision? Pa ddylanwad gafodd y môr ar ein hanes? Dewch i chwilio am rai o’r atebion!

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